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Art et culture

Concert de Taylor Swift: des organisateurs à Toronto disent prioriser la sécurité

La sécurité entourant les concerts de Taylor Swift suscite des inquiétudes.

Singer Taylor Swift, who contributed a song to the new movie "One Chance" takes a photo with a fan before walking the red carpet for the movie's gala during the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival in Toronto on Monday, September 9, 2013. The organizers of parties for Taylor Swift fans outside the venues of her upcoming Toronto shows say safety is their top priority after Eras Tour shows were cancelled this week in Austria following the arrest of suspects who allegedly planned to attack onlookers in Vienna. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Michelle Siu

Un groupe qui organise des fêtes devant la salle de concert où se produira Taylor Swift à Toronto affirme que la sécurité est «une priorité» après qu'une menace d'attentat en Autriche eut forcé l'annulation de plusieurs de ses concerts.