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Un homme armé tue six personnes par balles, dont son ex-femme, dans le Mississippi

Crum a été emprisonné sans libération pour une seule accusation de meurtre qualifié, et le shérif a déclaré que les enquêteurs travaillaient pour porter des accusations supplémentaires.

Law enforcement personnel investigate the scene of multiple shootings on Arkabutla Dam Road in Arkabutla, Miss on Friday, Feb. 17, 2023. Six people were fatally shot Friday at multiple locations in a small town in rural Mississippi near the Tennessee state line, and authorities blamed a lone suspect who was arrested and charged with murder. (AP Photo/Nikki Boertman)
Law enforcement personnel investigate the scene of multiple shootings on Arkabutla Dam Road in Arkabutla, Miss on Friday, Feb. 17, 2023. Six people were fatally shot Friday at multiple locations in a small town in rural Mississippi near the Tennessee state line, and authorities blamed a lone suspect who was arrested and charged with murder. (AP Photo/Nikki Boertman)

Un homme a tué six personnes, dont son ex-femme et son beau-père, dans une petite communauté rurale du nord du Mississippi laissant les enquêteurs à la recherche d'indices sur les raisons de ce massacre.