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Projet de loi en Ontario pour déclarer que la violence conjugale est une «épidémie»

Ontario says it will support an opposition bill to declare intimate partner violence an epidemic in the province. People take part in a vigil at the Women's Monument in Petawawa, Ont., following the jury's release of recommendations in the Borutski Inquest in Pembroke, Ont., on Tuesday, June 28, 2022. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick
Ontario says it will support an opposition bill to declare intimate partner violence an epidemic in the province. People take part in a vigil at the Women's Monument in Petawawa, Ont., following the jury's release of recommendations in the Borutski Inquest in Pembroke, Ont., on Tuesday, June 28, 2022. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Le gouvernement de Doug Ford en Ontario appuiera un projet de loi de l'opposition néo-démocrate visant à reconnaître que la violence conjugale constitue une épidémie.