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Ingérence: le Canada doit rehausser l'éducation aux médias, dit un responsable de l'UE

A woman types on a keyboard in New York, Oct. 8, 2019. The European Union’s head of combatting foreign interference in communications says Canadians can use explosive allegations about Beijing’s meddling in elections as an opportunity to improve the public’s understanding of disinformation. THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP-Jenny Kane
A woman types on a keyboard in New York, Oct. 8, 2019. The European Union’s head of combatting foreign interference in communications says Canadians can use explosive allegations about Beijing’s meddling in elections as an opportunity to improve the public’s understanding of disinformation. THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP-Jenny Kane

Les allégations selon lesquelles Pékin se mêlerait des élections canadiennes pourraient être une occasion d'améliorer la compréhension du public face à la désinformation, selon le responsable de la lutte contre l'ingérence étrangère dans les communications de l'Union européenne (UE).