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Entente de principe aux É.-U. entre General Motors et le syndicat des UAW

David Barger stands with other workers near the General Motors plant in Spring Hill, Tenn., after United Auto Workers Local 1853 announced a strike after 44 days of negotiations with GM, Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023. (Nicole Hester/The Tennessean via AP)
David Barger stands with other workers near the General Motors plant in Spring Hill, Tenn., after United Auto Workers Local 1853 announced a strike after 44 days of negotiations with GM, Sunday, Oct. 29, 2023. (Nicole Hester/The Tennessean via AP)

General Motors et le syndicat des «United Auto Workers» (UAW) ont conclu une entente de principe qui pourrait mettre fin à une grève de six semaines dans les usines du constructeur, ont déclaré lundi deux personnes au fait des négociations.