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Des milliers de Kurdes manifestent à Paris à la mémoire de victimes d'attentats

Kurdish activists hold a posters of jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan during a protest in Paris, Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023. Kurdish groups from around France and Europe are marching in Paris to show their anger over the unresolved killing of three Kurdish women activists in the French capital 10 years ago and also mourning three people killed outside a Kurdish cultural center in Paris two weeks ago in what prosecutors called a racist attack. ( AP Photo/Lewis Joly)
Kurdish activists hold a posters of jailed PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan during a protest in Paris, Saturday, Jan. 7, 2023. Kurdish groups from around France and Europe are marching in Paris to show their anger over the unresolved killing of three Kurdish women activists in the French capital 10 years ago and also mourning three people killed outside a Kurdish cultural center in Paris two weeks ago in what prosecutors called a racist attack. ( AP Photo/Lewis Joly)

Des milliers de Kurdes vivant en France et venant de l'Europe ont manifesté samedi à Paris pour exprimer leur colère suite au meurtre non résolu de trois militantes kurdes dans la capitale française il y a 10 ans.