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Des inondations pourraient avoir fait 2000 morts en Lybie

Streets a flooded after storm Danial in Marj, Libya, Monday, Sept. 11, 2023. The head of one of Libya’s rival governments says that 2,000 people are feared dead in flooding that swept through the eastern parts of the north African nation. (Libya Almasar TV via AP)
Streets a flooded after storm Danial in Marj, Libya, Monday, Sept. 11, 2023. The head of one of Libya’s rival governments says that 2,000 people are feared dead in flooding that swept through the eastern parts of the north African nation. (Libya Almasar TV via AP)

Au moins 27 personnes ont été déclarées mortes lundi dans des inondations dans l'est de la Libye, mais l'un des dirigeants du pays craint que le bilan grimpe jusqu’à 2000 que la tempête méditerranéenne Daniel ait provoqué des inondations dévastatrices durant le week-end.