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Accusations déposées contre l'auteur présumé de l'attaque à la machette à New York

L’homme aurait attaqué trois policiers avec une machette, dont deux ont dû être hospitalisés.

This photo provided by NYPD, New York City Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell address the media during a news conference on Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022. A man wielding a machete attacked three police officers at the New Year’s Eve celebration in New York City, authorities said, striking two of them in the head before an officer shot the man in the shoulder. The two officers were hospitalized, one with a fractured skull and the other with a bad cut, but expected to recover. (NYPD via AP)
This photo provided by NYPD, New York City Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell address the media during a news conference on Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022. A man wielding a machete attacked three police officers at the New Year’s Eve celebration in New York City, authorities said, striking two of them in the head before an officer shot the man in the shoulder. The two officers were hospitalized, one with a fractured skull and the other with a bad cut, but expected to recover. (NYPD via AP)

L’auteur présumé de l’attaque à la machette qui a blessé deux policiers de New York près de Times Square lors des festivités du Nouvel An a officiellement été arrêté et accusé de tentatives de meurtre lundi, selon les autorités américaines.